Thursday, July 14, 2022


                                                         FAMILY MATTERS LEGALITY



Being an advocate who extensively practice in the field of Family matters, I have come across various instances where a miniature difference of opinion between husband and wife turn into an inferno and flare up with the destruction of the once believed to be, a  sacred relationship . From time immemorial, marriage has been considered not as a mere union of man and wife but a sanctity has been attached to the relationship which as per Hindu rituals is conducted by taking an oath and taking seven steps around the “Agni”.  In the case of Christian and Muslim marriages ,it is done as per their respective rituals thus attaching an element of sanctity.



The sacredness is slowly disappearing among the present day generation and is replaced as a marriage of convenience. As per legal term “marriage is a contract “ as it satisfies all the elements of a contract, ie from offer to acceptance and to compensation. There is no explicit exit clause whereas the couple prescribes their own exit clause . The legal definition is now stupendously followed. With the aid of trained advocates , no, the well informed persons around, they dig into the various Acts like CrPC, D.V.Act , Marriage Act and IPC and arm themselves to face any eventuality.



Filing of the case itself is done due to the egging  by  the persons around . Here the Parents take a big role either due to ego clash or self imposed prestige . The uncompromising attitude of the disputants make it difficult to make a mutual compromise. The courts first refer the matter for mediation which is called court directed mediations. The parties do not normally take it seriously which ends up with the referring back the matter to the court.



In my experience, I try to the maximum extent to make a compromise either through the court directed Mediation and /or through my intervention as a Mediator. When an advocate representing one party takes the role of a Mediator what ever be the sincerity, this is misconstrued and looked upon suspiciously. It requires a large amount of patience, tolerance and untiring effort to convince both parties . Institution of marriage is no longer considered as sacred.



The family mediation is an interesting episodes where allegations and counter allegations come up .The best way is to allow both parties to make arguments and counter arguments  lending a patient hearing. At one point of time they will be totally exhausted and bereft of any further points to argue with. This is the time when the need of a Mediator is required. During one of such sessions, I came across an interesting question put forward by the wife whether she is not eligible for monetary compensation or salary for her work as a home keeper. This was an interesting point indeed. It is probable that similar  type of logical argument may come up in future . a valid point indeed in the case of a house wife.  Her services cannot be simply ignored as out of love and affection towards the family. Yes , there is a greater part of such sentimental values are present  , but when marriage is defined in legal terms as a contract, the compensation part will also come for the service rendered by the wife.



This reminds me of the manifesto issued by a political party wherein salary to house wife has been shown as one of the items. Logically it is correct, which gives her a freedom and she is being acknowledged as an individual, gives her freedom to invest such earning in a profitable ventures or portfolios which may generate earning for the benefit of the “House Inc.” This is more pertinent , as in Income Tax  parleys  , individual income or source of income is required.  Such source of income can be explained by a house wife other wise she would remain as an unpaid servant.



Other aspects which aggravate the relationship of a couple is income disparity when both are employed. This is triggered more by their friends and kins and end up in small  miniature arguments  which may inflate into a bigger disputes, distrust, suspicion and to a major allegation of infidelity a basic element for divorce. Then comes the active involvement of dear and near ones to lodge police complaint and actions under D.V. Act and dowry torture etc.etc.



Hence the best way is to resolve the issues in the budding stage itself by proper mediation. A trained mediator looks at it differently and approach it in a different angle by gaining confidence of both the parties . a major percentage of family disputes could be very well resolved through mediation whether it is a property dispute between family members or a difference between a couple.



 I have seen in my profession that such family disputes make the parties to take vengeance as the case progresses due to the action and counter actions prompted by the advocates. The sentiment factor between brothers and sisters or parents disappear and one is driven by the sole goal of winning the case. Meanwhile they forget the fact that they loose money and their precious time which could never be compensated.


By  Adv. J.venkitachalam

Presently practicing in the Madras High Court

Can be reached in Mob.7305542434



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