Wednesday, June 17, 2020



Sita Devi emerged from her hut in Valmiki Ashramam on hearing that Lav and Kusa have captured the Aswametham horse sent by SriRamachandra. What an audacity by the children? This means questioning the authority of the Emperor. Not satisfied with that they had also defeated Lakshmanan who was accompanying the horse and captuared him and didn`t let him go.

Sita Devi quipped’ what action you have done?, this is not correct to question the authority of the King. It may invite wrath of the King.’

Lav and Kusa replied ‘ if Sri Rama is a upright King why he did injustice to Matha Seetha Devi?’ We want justice to be done to the Matha. ’  a relevant question Seetha thought. She never disclosed to her children that she was Seetha and Sri Ramachndra , the king was their father. Was  it not incorrect to leave Seetha in the forest and abandon her , just on the words of a washer man, who represented the subjects?

This is a question that may arise in the minds of the Universe. On the face of it , it is a relevant question that too never expected of a divine soul and who is considered as embodiment of the Lord Maha Vishnu. The question is left unanswered . Was it correct for Sri Ramachndra to doubt the chastity and purity of his wife Seetha Devi whereas Sita Devi had herslf entered Agni or Agni Pravesh in front of all  at Lanka to prove her purity. Still why Sri Rama was not satisfied? Whether his action could be justified ? whether he wanted to prove to the world that he was different ?. It is sure that he never doubted the purity and chastity of Sita Devi , still he abandoned her based on the words of one of the subjects.
I read an interesting description which give below without changing the text.

Many Hindus, like the followers of Vaishnavism, consider the entire section of Uttar Kanda in Ramayana to be interpolated, and thus they do not accept the authenticity of the story claiming that Sita was banished. A general narration of Ramayana does not state it so. It says that Sita later lived in her father's kingdom of Mithila with her sons Lava and Kusha as per the North Indian (especially in presen Not even Hindus, but Muslims have 'Mappila Ramayana' which deals with the story of Sri Rama, part of Mappillapattu, a genre of songs popular amongst the Muslims in Kerala and Lakshadweep. Buddhist have their own variant of Ramayana, which perhaps was used to propagate their own ideas like celibacy and denouncing marriage. There is also a Jain Ramayana. But the fact remains that all others were written after Valmiki Ramayana. Some authors and poets only elaborated and developed the characters from Valmiki's epic, while some totally changed the story or added completely new portions, which were at times not much appreciated by some otherst day Uttar Pradesh and Bihar) custom that children be brought up in their nanihaal, or maternal grandmother's place. Sita and her sons later lived at Valmiki's ashram for the boys' education and military training.

In Valmiki Ramayana , the great sage never mentions that Sri Rama abandoned Sita  in the forest. UttaraKanda is considered to be more revered part of Ramayana. It depicts Rama’s exit from the world after the objective of the Avatar has been achieved and the Avatar has no further role to perform in the Universe.

But there is popular belief that Sri Rama , the supreme righteous Lord in the human form banished his wife Sita Devi on hearing the words of a subject and  abandoned his beloved wife may seem to be cruel in the eyes of commons. An act of disgrace and cruelty to a destitute woman. 

But looking at it on a different dimension, we cannot find fault with Sri Rama and instead it was done for teaching the society on bad practices prevailed on one pretext or the other. This could be better understood only if we explore the reaction of the same society if he had not abandoned her even after knowing of such allegation made by the subjects. He is a King and a person to lead the subjects through a righteous path. His supreme responsibility as a king is to build up confidence and he has to be  impartial in taking decisions. He has set an example to the future rulers whether in a democratic country or a royal kingdom.

While Sri Rama was in exile, his brother Bharatha ruled the kingdom of Ayodhya . But Bharata also relinquished his princely robes and lived like a hermit and never entered the Palace or Palace court. This created a void. To fill in this abnormality ,  Sage Vasisht who was the Raja Guru advised Shatrughana to sit in the throne and conduct the kingdom .

As Ayodya was considered to be ruled by Surya Vamsha or Surya dynasty which later known as Raghuvamsa and the kings were more known to be righteous , honest and who followed the path of Dhrma ensuring equality to all and strict followers of principles, rules and practices followed in the society. This has its own drawbacks and the kings never dared to change the rules laid down in the society. But Sri Rama was different . This is clear from one episode.

King Dhasaratha did Aswamedha Yaga and sent the horse to establish his kingdom. When the Horse reached Mithila, Sita Devi fed the horse and quenched its thirst by taking mercy on it. She prayed that the horse would not be sacrificed and would not become a sacrificial animal on the conclusion of the Aswamedha Yaga as was the practice. King of Mithila welcomed the Sena from Ayodhya and honoured them and sent them back with presents. Sita Devi felt pity for the white horse which was destined to be sacrificial horse at the end of the Yaga. The horse was injured and totally exhausted due to its long journey . Sita stopped its journey which agitated the accompanying soldiers. Once they came to know that she was Princess of Mithula, they bowed before her . She attended to the injury in the leg of the horse with natural herbs and tied it with a piece of cloth that she worn. This showed how much kind she was and proved to be the child of Nature as the King got her while ploughing the field. King Janaka was also a kind man and moved along with the farmers and common men which endeared him.

The white stallion returned back to Ayodhya exuberantly to the happiness of the King. The Krishis informed the King that it was time for completing the Yagna and advised him to make the horse ready for sacrifice as was the custom. Sri Rama immediately objected to this in his usual way of self controlled voice and softness but effectively and firmly. Though his voice was soft with deep authenticity which hearer cannot shirk or even pretend to be not heard. It has such an air of authenticity which will make people to be patiently hear and act.
Sri Rama unfearful of any thing firmly informed the crowd that it was cruel to give the horse in sacrifice and kill it which had travelled tirelessly around the country and brought  pride to the Kingdom. Instead of honouring it , the practice of killing it was against Dharma. The people, Krishis and whole crowd was bewildered as every one was scared or reluctant to change the laid down rules and practices. But Sri Rama in his soft composed voice made them understand the mistakes the society was doing and it was time to correct the same.  The Krishis could not find an alternate  solution to this, Sri Rama asked his brothers to bring a golden horse in place of the horse and wanted to complete the Yagna.

Thus in our society there are so many evils and superstitions and practices which are prevalent  for ages and people should realise this and accept to stop such practices.

Coming back to the discussion on banishing Sita Devi by Sree Ramachandra , we have to go into the customs and practices and rules followed at that period. Coming back to Shatrughana , once the palace court was assemble to pronounce judgement on a complaint by the citizens of Ayodha. The complaint was against a couple . The couple was called into the court to hear the allegation against them. The lady had gone out from her home for some job and by the time she returned it was late in night and there was heavy downpour and she took shelter in a hut and the man living in the hut gave her shelter with all respects that could be given to a woman. Next day in the daybreak  she returned to her home. Her husband was fully convinced and understood the difficulty she underwent and the circumstance under which she was forced to stay in a stranger’s hut. This made the conservatives unhappy and they went to the King for punishing her for staying in a place away from her house. King Shatrughana heard the parties and was clearly convinced and understood the innocence of the woman.

Despite this, prince Shatrugana sought the advice of the Minister before giving the judgement. Minister . Mantri, explained to him regarding the practices and rules of the kingdom and informed him that the lady should be sent to Forest for a period of two years. The Prince could not accept this and he also thought this to be injustice to a woman but never had the courage to rewrite the rules and break the rules and practices prevailing in that period . ultimately he succumbed to pressure and ordered her to be sent to forest as a punishment. With that he left the court with a heavy heart and sorrow and regret and cursed the practices. If it were Sri Rama he would have been bolder to change the rules or practices and would have corrected it. But the fate that it may , similar incident happened  in his ife after 12 years. He became prisoner to his commitments as a Ruler and King of the land. He could not break the rule when he faced a similar situation when the Queen returned , No wonder why he was questioned by the subjects . If he had not sent Sita Devi to forest he would have been blamed as a king who changed rules and practices for his own sake, whereas when similar incident occurred twelve years back a woman was sent to forest mercilessly.

This teaches us how a leader should be. The present leaders and politicians twists the rules according to their convenience and shield themselves whereas the common man is not able to do.

Thus it justifies Sri Rama’s action. But after some years when he finds his children and finds Sita Devi,  he wants to bring her back to Ayodhia as the Queen. He also declares that now on no women should be mistreated and should be given equality and equal freedom like a male in all areas like education, life and administration as well. Though this was declared by Sri Ramachandra while establishing Rama Rajya, in our present era, women are waiting for 331/3 percentage reservation for women which is very much used as a tool for gaining votes.

Ramayana also teaches about the prestige and pride of  women. Sita Devi’s aim was to make her children competent in all fields and make a good warrior. Her responsibilities ceased once they were united with their father, Sri Ramachandra. But she never wanted to forgive Sri Ramachansra for the disgrace meted out to her in his hands. As a woman of valour she fought against  all odds and brought up her sons. But she was never prepared to go back to Ayodhya or the people of Ayodya whom once discarded her treated her with contempt and which society disgraced her and put her to shame . She felt it would be shameful to go back to Ayodhya. Thus Sita Devi had decided to end her life . As known to every one she disappeared in the hand of Mother Earth from where she was born.

Thus each part of Srimath Ramayana teaches us various things and each incident has its meaning or tale to tell .

aapadaam apahartaaram daataaram sarvasaMpadaam.h |
lokaabhiraamam shriiraamam bhuuyo bhuuyo namaamyaham.h ||

Then coming to Mahabhrata Drupati or Panchali is again becoming a degraded and unchaste  woman since she was forced to accept five men. We should think about the society which existed for over 5000 years back. I am just drawing equals to the present "Living together " concept which the present modern society accepts. Was it not also a similar living together by panachali with five desired men?

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