Saturday, January 8, 2022



Chapter 3


“No. I am still young” It quivered.

 “What!, then you would not have died long back, why did you die:”

“i don’t know why I died, but I don’t regret”

“why you have become a ghost now, bec’se people say, dissatisfied dreams transform people to ghost once they die”, I continued” did you have any such dreams?”

For a little while there was silence. I could hear a deep breath. Was there any note of

sadness?  I could make out. 

I allowed the silence to continue.

I feel that no God can be bad towards human being. I am against all that belief that God punishes the people or the God takes vindictive action. God is love, God loves every one. There is no distinction between different types of God but it is only a different faith on which the God lives.

 The belief is that if the dreams do not come true, after death, soul takes the form of ghost and takes revenge. We have seen God men and god women who claims to have supernatural powers and they could speak to the soul.. 

 Though I don’t believe in the existence of ghost, I believe that the soul has got emotions. It was the reason why  she appeared before me to tell her grief happened during her life time.The soul could also take demonic form and perceive the mind of the people which take revenge to the misdeeds done by them.

 Chapter 4

brewing of love 

Stephen D’souza was standing in front of his house gazing at the gate. He was eagerly waiting for Parvathy alis Parvathi Menon..Stephen was  not an Anglo Indian. He had chosen to add D’souza as a fantacy. He thought that such names would carry some attraction. Probably his Goan ancestoral linage might be reason for his surname. As a communist follower it never gave him any additional izat to proclaim. He was dead against the clergy clad which never hesitated to show its partiality in selecting even the priest s  which had the Portugese influence.

 In the Indian state of Goa, mass conversions were carried out by Portuguese Latin missionaries from the 16th century onwards. The Hindu converts retained their caste practices. The continued maintenance of the caste system among the Christians in Goa is attributed to the nature of mass conversions of entire villages, as a result of which existing social stratification was not affected. The Portuguese colonists, even during the Goan inquisition, did not do anything to change the caste system. Thus, the original Hindu Brahmins in Goa now became Christian Bamonns and the Kshatriya and Vaishya Vanis became Christian noblemen called ChardosThe Christian clergy became almost exclusively Bamonn. Those Vaishya Vanis who could not get admitted into the Chardo caste became Gauddos, and other community became Sudirs. Finally, the Dalits who were converted to Christianity became Maharas and Chamars (an appellation of the anti-Dalit ethnic slur Chamaar). The upper caste Gaonkar Christians have demanded that only their community be given positions on the Pastoral Council of Goa's Catholic Church. D’Souza who happened to be a progressive person could not digest such retrograde policies of the church.  The situation have much changed at present.

He began his carrier as a teacher having done M.A literature and B.Ed. He was teaching in a Private School and later got appointment in Central School. During that period only he met Parvathy , Parvathy Menon. They were staying next to his place and he used to visit their house frequently and discuss and share matters of common interest. 

 Parvathy was a student of Political Science. 

 “ I don’t agree with the present political culture” She would be eloquent.

“Present politics is a dynasty system, father to son or daughter or mother to their siblings” .


A few days with a ghost.                          Adv. Janardhanan venkiachalam
