Chapter 5
Love birds
One way she was correct. It is not the India that our great
leaders thought of. She felt that the citizens of our country were being
exploited in two ways, by not providing opportunity for proper education and
not providing the entitled facilities. in one of her articles presented for her
Political science she wrote :
"Earlier India comprised of princely states, the
order changed with the invasion of East India Company who played divide and
rule game and conquered whole India. Subsequently it was only history and India
came under the rule of whites. As soon as whites left a new breed of prince and
princes known as MPs and MLAs started ruling the country. Instead of a few
Princely sates, a few hundreds of Prince and Princes started ruling the
country. The people became slaves. As against by the people……., for the
…., it has been re written as for the MPs and MLAs…… They started
dividing the country in the name of cast, religion and what not used all
gimmicks to win the election. They found easy ways to loot the public which
later came to be known as scams. Thus
the country became haven for people who practice corruption as a profession.
When developments happen all over the world why it doesn’t happen here? Why
better facilities not provided?.Do the roads, railways,rivers have casts and
religion? How long these people can divide the people on religion and
cast?’ She was vehement.
‘This is to be changed . Younger generation has to think
and act The time has come for awakening. These new breed Princes go abroad and
see the developments in other countries but close their eyes towards their own
breathrens. When will we come out of this sorry state and our
citizens enjoy similar facilities what people enjoy in other countries?”She
D’souza was also a progressive thinking person. That might be the reason why their views found congruity. From his childhood D’souza grow in a revolutionary surroundings since his father was a born communist. He had seen him talking about the party. His father participated in the communist movement along with its great leader EMS Namboothiripad. During his period the communist party could win the election and come to power. The communist party had influence in Kerala when such selfless leaders were there.
‘ be cool ‘ don’t be provocative’ D’souza was matured in his approach.
She then talked about Temple entry , land reforms etc . When she speaks to D’souza , she becomes eloquent.
‘you could be a MLA’ he teased.
‘ I am telling the truth’ like a child she became emotive. ‘though Communist leaders had influenced to certain extend which implanted some refined thoughts in the minds of people, the present day communists have chosen a path of annihilation, this made dilution of influence of the communists’.
At the end of such sessions, Parvathy used to win
a score over D’souza, or did he allow her?. When in the company of one’s lover ,
the man ‘s mind sublimes like a camphor.
So also D’souza’s mind which could be seen in his eyes which reflected his
A few days with a
ghost. Adv.
Janardhanan venkiachalam
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